Project and Job Stages at Traduality

In Traduality, projects and jobs within projects have different statuses called stages.

Project Stages

A project’s stage is most relevant to customers.

  1. Sourcing Translators: A project has one or more jobs with no assigned linguist and no price quotes submitted by linguists. Projects start in this stage.

    • Action required by the customer: None.
    • Action suggested for linguists: Submit a price quote. The project moves to the Quotes Received stage.
  2. Quotes Received: One or more linguists have submitted a price quote for a job in the project.
    • Action required by the customer: Accept or reject submitted price quotes. After accepting a price quote, the project moves to either the Sourcing Translators stage (if more jobs need linguists) or the In Progress stage (if all jobs now have linguists).
    • Action suggested for linguists: Submit a price quote.
  3. In Progress: All jobs in the project have been assigned linguists.
    • Action required by the customer: None.
    • Action suggested for linguists: Submit final work for assigned jobs. The project moves to the Jobs Delivered stage.
  4. Jobs Delivered: A linguist has submitted the final work for a job in the project.
    • Action required by the customer: Approve the submitted final work or request revision. After approval, the project moves to the Partially Complete stage.
    • Action suggested for linguists: None.
  5. Partially Complete: All jobs in the project have been assigned linguists, and one or more jobs are complete.
    • Action required by the customer: None.
    • Action suggested for linguists: Submit final work for assigned jobs. The project moves to the Jobs Delivered stage.
  6. Complete: All work for all jobs in the project are approved by the customer.
    • Action required by the customer: Pay for the project. Traduality will process your payment automatically, but you can also pay invoices.
    • Action suggested for linguists: None. You will be paid according to your plan’s payment schedule.
  7. Cancelled: The customer cancelled the entire project.

Customers and linguists can see a project’s stage by visiting the project’s page and looking at the blue text at the top right of the page.

Customers can also see a project’s stage in their Projects & Jobs Dashboard in the list and Kanban views.

Job Stages

A job’s stage is relevant to both customers and linguists.

  1. Sourcing Translators: A job has no assigned linguist or accepted price quotes.
    • Action required by linguist: Submit a price quote. The job moves to the Quote Submitted stage.
    • Action suggested for the customer: Accept price quotes submitted by linguists, if any. The job moves to the In Progress stage.
  2. Quote Draft (linguists only): A linguist started creating a price quote for the job but hasn’t submitted it yet.
    • Action required by linguist: Submit the price quote. The job moves to the Quote Submitted stage.
  3. Quote Submitted (linguists only): A linguist submitted a price quote for the job.
    • Action required by linguist: None.
  4. Quote Rejected (linguists only): The customer rejected a linguist’s submitted price quote.
    • Action required by linguist: None.
  5. In Progress: A job has an assigned linguist who has not submitted work to the job yet.
    • Action required by linguist: Submit final work. The job moves to the Delivered stage.
    • Action suggested for the customer: None.
  6. Delivered: A job’s assigned linguist submitted work that needs review by the customer.
    • Action required by linguist: None.
    • Action required by the customer: Approve the submitted final work or request revision. After approval, the job moves to the Complete stage. After requesting revision, the job moves to the Revision Needed stage.
  7. Revision Needed: The customer rejected the final work submitted by the linguist.
    • Action required by linguist: Address the customer’s complaints and re-submit the final work. The job moves to the Delivered stage.
    • Action required by the customer: None.
  8. Canceled: The customer canceled the job or the entire project.


Need Help with a Project?

Do you need help with a translation project? Traduality’s vetted translator marketplace has all the tools you need to find translators, delegate projects to experienced project managers, and keep files organized in one place. Create your first project today and find vetted translators, or book a meeting with us to get started! 

Updated 2/21/2024. 

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